Why Can’t I Heal? Astrology and Maslow
In the Occult tradition, there is a mountain known as “The Great Work” we must climb. For some the climb is effortless. For others the climb is tedious. What is this disparity? Why do you endlessly take two steps forward and one step back? Has experience taught you the illusive nature of happiness? Why do you accept starting at the bottom of the mountain as the only way to get to the top? Why do you accept the terms “climbing” or “achieving” or “journeying”?
The solution to your dilemma is a simple adjustment in your point of view. Let’s look to a commonly accepted format for self realization, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The idea is to reach a state of self realization or what Yogis call “Bliss”, you must have laid the foundation properly. The physical self must be made healthy. The individual must have a feeling of safety which in modern times means financial wellbeing. The individual must be well placed in society. Once all these are in order a person can begin to focus on how they feel about themselves accomplishing great things. BOOM….bliss arises.
The Yogi way IS Bliss. The other stuff is just stuff. There is no order. So, let’s flip Maslow on his head and begin with the understanding that you are Bliss. Bliss isn’t realized or achieved. The foundation of all the mind stuff is a state of Bliss. If you move beyond the mind stuff there is Bliss.
Think about it. Prisoners find freedom within their confinement. The victims of war find love amidst the bombing. The sick and debilitated find joy in their existence. We see it happen all the time. So to think all things must be perfect or perfectly organized sets you on a journey of suffering.
How do you heal? (all of this happens at the simultaneously)
- THE PHYSICAL: Make your body as healthy as it can be. This requires right food & right activity. Yogis practice yoga, walk in nature, embrace a vegetarian diet and abide by the rhythms of nature for sleep.
- SAFETY & SECURITY: Monitor your mind. Do you need to meditate? No and it helps. Become aware of your thoughts and become proficient at categorizing as painful, pleasurable or delusional. Trace your thoughts to their origin. Banish your thoughts with mantra, diversion and visualization of Bliss (the Divine).
- BELONGING: Trust your emotions. Emotions are karma playing out.
- ESTEEM: Cultivate a relationship with the Divine. Befriend the Divine. When your mind is not doing what it needs to do to get work done or to play, focus on the Divine.
- BLISS: Wait for the magic to happen.
While you are practicing all of the above it is important to learn your Astrological blueprint. This gives insight into karma (pain and pleasure) brought from other incarnations. All karma is earned in other lifetimes and plays out in this lifetime. Are you curious why you are naturally good or bad at certain things? Are you interested in why you seem to be on repeat? Do you suffer demons you cannot kill?

Let’s do a basic breakdown of Maslow by astrological houses. If you have a copy of your chart you can map out where your planets fall in the houses and identify where you will be most challenged/rewarded on the hierarchy.
- House 1: How you are showing up in the world
- House 6: Your day to day activities including taking care of yourself.
- House 8: Sex & Addictions
- House 2: Money
- House 4: Home & family foundations
- House 8: Other peoples money
- House 3: Communication & Siblings
- House 4: Home & Family foundations
- House 7: Primary relationship
- House 9: Higher philosophical ideology
- House 5: Creativity & ability to shine
- House 10: Career & success
- House 9: Higher philosophical ideology
- House 11: Destiney & friends & organizations
- House 12: Your inner world, the hidden
Bliss exists before, during and after your incarnation. It is not to be found on the astrological chart.
Let’s think some examples:
The Sun rules the first house of how you are showing up in the world. What if your Sun was placed in the 12th house of the hidden ruled by Neptune? Would you have to work a bit harder to be seen by others? It would affect your self esteem if others could not fully see you.
Venus rules the 2nd house of money. What if Venus was placed in the 11th house ruled by Uranus (the unexpected)? Would your financial situation fluctuate? Probably. Are you doomed to forever to suffer wild swings in your financial situation?
Mercury rules the 3rd house of communication. What if Mercury were placed in the 10th house of career and success which is ruled by Saturn? (Great placement for career btw…). Would you be focused on work to the detriment of family, friends and partners?
The Moon rules the 4th house of home. What if the Moon were placed in the 8th house of “the other” ruled by Pluto? Are you doomed to a dark emotional nature, victimhood or subservience?
I could go on….
Is there a mountain to climb?
All is bliss. To understand your astrology is to have a teleportation system placing you where you want to be when you want to be there. The astrology shows you the shortcuts. The teleportation system is the daily practice of healing outlined above. We can move mountains.
Learn More
If you would like to learn more about your nature schedule an astrological consult with Pamela. Simply email pamela@elementalom.com. We will find a date and time that works. All that is needed is your birth date, birth time and birth place. The current cost is $95.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.