The video below tells you how to do the Kundalini Meditation, “Meditation for the Positive Mind.”  I picked it because it is quiet, simple, and sweet.  I don’t know about you, but when my heart is hurting I feel best in the quiet and allowing my breath to be the music.

If this is hard for you, add some wordless music to your meditation to keep you company.

An important note:  The focus is at the third eye center where you are sending a message to connect with the divine through the infinite pulse.  You can mentally rhythmically pulse from this brow point.  At some point, you won’t have to focus on this, you will simply feel it.



Sa = Infinity

TAA = Life

NAA = Death

MAA = Rebirth

You are basically sounding out the syllables for the mantra “Sat Namaste” meaning “Truth is my Identity.”

You know if you have a broken heart, how do you know if you suffer from self-hate?  Here are some of the symptoms:

  • The need to be perfect
  • Overworking and not taking care of self and surroundings
  • Disorganization
  • Making yourself unattractive and not taking care of yourself
  • Engaging in Risky Behavior
  • Harming the Self
  • Sabotaging yourself
  • Choosing to be in abusive relationships or relationships of abandonment (this will be a pattern)

Why do we do this?  When you are born you are perfect. You are a little sponge taking in education and information through the senses.  Your biggest teachers (gurus) are your parents and your family.  Ultimately society steps in and you are initiated into the educational system and friendships.  Anything that negatively impacts your development (abuse, criticism, lack of love) at a young age becomes hard wired into your subconscious mind.  About 80% of what you do, know, believe, and how you behave is unconscious to you from this molding of the mind.  In yoga, we call this your Samskaras.  The purpose of meditation, mindfulness, and yoga is to bring to your awareness your patterns so you can transcend them.  This meditation does that for you.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.