When Pam connected with me about writing a blog post for Elemental Om, I asked her what I should

SONY DSCwrite about. She said why don’t you share what you do daily to stay grounded and connected; what does your daily practice look like and how does Spirit speak to you? Of course, I laughed out loud, because I don’t have a daily practice and I wondered whether I even was grounded and connected? So, with that said, of course I had to agree to explore all of this on a deeper level and share.

The experience I value most is my communication with Spirit. I am in dialogue all day long. I am constantly seeking counsel with the Divine through my thoughts and words. I recognize the verbal quality of Spirit and the gift of signs. The first thing I do when I get up is to scan my mind, body and spirit for any loose ends, meaning anything that feels out of whack. Am I holding on to any fears, stress or worry keeping me in the past or future? I am dedicated to living in the present at all times. This is one of my biggest tools for staying grounded and connected to Source. I’ve learned through y life’s experiences that if I’m stuck in the past or moving too far out into the future, I cut myself off from the mystery of Creator working with and through me.

I spend ten minutes each morning sitting in any emotion not uplifting or empowering me, allowing those feelings to simply be. I have found when I am quiet and welcome the lower vibrations, pieces of my shadow self and/or inner critic have their moment of glory, they then become a natural piece of me in the light. I don’t struggle, act out on them or even give them a name. I simply acknowledge all as parts of me. Whole, perfect and loved. Some days it may take extra meditation, walking the trails on my property, writing in my journal or even choosing to sit in that old energy a bit longer until I am shown what I still need to heal and release. Spirit will take me to the exact place of origin and gently remind me: that was then, this is now. I then give thanks for what I’ve been taught through the experience and remember the gift within each lesson learned. A shift takes place and I feel gratitude, love, forgiveness and many times humor.

I then begin dialogue with Spirit from a peaceful present place. How can I serve? The day begins ~ Let go, Let Goddess!

I believe the answer to all three questions lie in the day-to-day interaction with others and with life’s situations. Spirit speaks through every person I meet. Every day presents a new and miraculous opportunity to choose love, not fear in my thoughts, words and actions. I am given many opportunities to be grounded in my spiritual path by neither fearing being attaching to any energy outside of my own

This requires being awake. If I go on autopilot, I will slip into the place of unconsciousness in my choices. I’ve had a lot of practice not living in the present and it only brought me grief, addiction, depression and unhealthy choices. Once I took full responsibility for my life, I realized the only place to stay connected, grounded, and in communication with God/Goddess is in the now. Some days I am drawn to my yoga practice, and some days I am drawn to nature rituals at my medicine wheel. I truly go with the flow on what feels good to me in each moment. I finally trust myself to look within for my personal daily practice, knowing it will show up exactly how it is suppose to for that particular day. I close the day the same way I start it, scanning for anything that does not need to go to sleep with me, recognizing it, and letting it go. Finally, I write in my Gratitude Journal at least five things I am grateful for from my day. Then I remind myself that I am a spiritual being having a very human experience, and drift off to dreamland.

In universal love,

Sage Woman

Sage Woman is the author of “Connecting With The Goddess Within, Live A Magical, Mystical Life Filled With Miracles” Click Here to learn more


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.