
Those of you who know me well know that I am a science geek at heart.  Everything I do in this woo woo world of spirituality must be proven to me through science or self experience, or I won’t share it through my teachings.  I want cold hard facts and consistent results or my time and your time is wasted.

A few year back I attended a lecture of physicians who are thought-leaders in the science of what to eat and how to live.  I’ll be honest, they didn’t share with me anything that the 5,000 year old science of Ayurveda doesn’t already know.  Guess what, if you eat fat, fried, processed, meat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, etc… your blood gets gunked up and you experience disease.  If you eat whole, fresh, organic, local, light, and less….thin blood, disease reversal, perfect health.  I think we all know this without the scientific studies.

Here’s what I did learn, however, and what is truly trending right now.  There’s a field in science called Epigenetics.  It’s the study of why genes turn on and off.  It’s fascinating.  Guess what?  You are actually turning your own genes on and off by the choices you are making for your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships, jobs, food, drink, routines, and lifestyles.  The scientists can’t find a drug more effective than, well, your own CONSCIOUSNESS.

It’s what we yogis have known for centuries.  Your thoughts become your words which become your deeds which become your whole life.  It’s profound if you understand what these scientists are beginning to understand. Here’s what they know:

  • Less than 5% of “inherited” disease is actually inherited.
  • The mind and emotions directly effect your genes.  DIRECTLY.
  • Your diet can give you cancer along with a lot of other choices you make.

This sounds bad, but it’s really empowering.  It’s also so common sense.  I mean really, can I actually teach you anything about food that you don’t know?  Greens are good.  Burgers are bad.  Okay, it gets a little more refined from an Ayurvedic perspective, but I’ll be honest.  Most the folks I work with are still trying to figure out how to not each fast food every day.  It’s not a lack of knowledge, it’s a lack of self-love.  It’s an inability to commit to a healthy and consistent lifestyle.  For that, you need support.  That’s where I come in as a coach and as group leader.  If you are looking for a way to implement healthy habits that you are, let’s face it, already aware of, check out my Cleanse or give me a buzz.

Here is a great simple video to let you understand epigenetics a little better….


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.