I’ll start this blog with reminding you that the theme for this week is boredom.  The goal was to get quiet, withdraw, and become bored.  Oddly, I haven’t been bored at all.  I haven’t been searching for things to do, but it just hasn’t been a boring week.

Today, however, was certainly just another day.  In fact, it was so ordinary that as I was driving home I was worried I wouldn’t have anything to talk about in my blog.  In the most subtle way, I sent a wish for some excitement or amusement, I’m sure.  I was also wondering how I was going to amp up this Cleanse this week.

So, I came home and my daughter has invited all of her friends over for a camping party with surprise fire pit.  (surprise to me).  My son forgot to get plates for his new car and they’ve expired so I’m back to schlepping him to Lacrosse.  My Golden Retriever got on the counter again and decided to eat a bag full of triphala powder and a loaf of bread.  Triphala is a powerful detoxifier and a laxative.  Gonna be a long night….I sat down to write this blog and a bird pooped on my shoulder. (this took all of 15 minutes).

If everything means something than what does all of this mean?

  1. Daugher:  No discipline.
  2. Son:  No discipline.
  3. Retriever:  No discipline.
  4. Bird Poop:  God is punishing me.


I’m reminded of course of duality.  There can’t be highs without lows.  There can’t be ups without downs.  There can’t be humor without, well…I guess bird poop.  We don’t live in a punishing universe.  We live in a balancing universe.  So the bird poop sitting on my shoulder right now is somehow balancing me.  I have to admit I am laughing.  I’m glad the girls are sleeping out so the dog can stay out all night with them cause she is gonna need out a lot.  It was nice to have 30 minutes alone in the car with my son to talk.

“I forgot for a second that he was my ancestral enemy, and felt bad for him; then i consoled myself that bird poop brings good luck” ~ Rob Reger, The Lost Days

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.