Today is teacher training weekend at Elemental OM School.  Everyone is here to learn how to be a yoga teacher and a holistic coach. It’s a great “Cleanse” moment because all the teachers in training are post-cleanse and have experienced the Vata and Pitta Lifestyles.  I’m having them break into pairs to take the balance quiz that I give to clients when they are doing one on one coaching sessions with me.  It’s a little more detailed than the one on the website (link below to both).

The coaching question from our coaching expert, Zant Chapelo, is:

What is moving you toward your vision of being your best, and what is holding you back?”

Personally, my balance quiz from a physical perspective looks pretty good.  I’m 2 weeks into a yogic diet and have eliminated my treats and such for the most part.  My digestion appears to be turning back on and I’ve been dreaming again.  My mood on the scale of moods is moving more consistently towards, “good mood” although I find I am still moody and prone to melancholy.  My life is cleaning up although I’m still experiencing the frustration of wanting things to “feel” one way and having them “feel” another way.

….and therein is the “root cause.”

Back to my the coaching question, “What is moving you toward your vision of being your best….”  My vision is unclear.  I no longer have a defined path of pursuit propelling me into my future.  I just have a Piscean notion of how I’d like things to feel.  I blame some of this on working so hard in such a driven manner for the past six years.  I’m accomplished much and the goals were so large that I never thought beyond them.  I must be in a resting state of , well, boredom.  Of course I’m laughing because that is the theme of the 21 stages of meditation this week.

My spiritual work for the next few days is going to be to envision my next endeavors.

I challenge you to sit down and ask yourself the coaching question.  Do you have a vision of the future?  Are you creating your life or is life simply happening to you?  Are you resting in between creations and what can you do to turn that creative juice back on.

Sat Nam,  Pamela

Balance Quiz, detail

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.