Class 2 meets on April 28th at 5 pm in the Lebanon studio. Please know that this is NOT a series.  You can pop in and out.  My suggestion is that you make bi-weekly attendance your new habit. Om, Pamela

Spiritual and Emotional Work:

  1. OM Work for Habits, Week 2
  2. Choice Making, Notice the Triggers
  3. Scheduling routine into your day to deal with your triggers


I could not find a download of it….and the book is out of print….Here are the directions and a pdf of stick people poses is here:  let the liver live

Let the Liver Live, Taught by Yogi Bhajan on January 30th, 1985

1. Lie on your left side and put your hand under your head to support the head.  Lift the right leg up straight and hold your toe with your right hand, keeping both legs straight.  Keep the left leg on the ground. Breath of Fire for 3.5 minutes.

2. Half Wheel Pose.  (Hands and feet flat on the floor, body arched up.) Breathe in and out through the nose, then in and out  through the mouth.  Continue alternating from nose to mouth, taking one complete breath with each. 5 minutes.   To Modify:  Come into bridge pose instead and use a block to support you.

3. Same as 1., but time is only 2 minutes.

4. Stand up with legs apart 18-24 inches.  Bend forward and stretch hands back through legs to touch floor.  Head down.  Reach back as far as possible.  Hold this position for 1 minute.  Then, in this position, roll the tongue, and do Breath of Fire through the rolled tongue.  3.5 minutes.

5. Same as 1., but do Cannon Breath by making your mouth into a firm “O” shape and rapidly breathing Breath of Fire through the mouth.    1 minute

6. Stand up and sit down 52 times without using hands for support.  To Modify:  use a chair.

7. Stand with hands on hips feet a little wider than the hips.  Roll upper torso in large counter clockwise circles. 2 minutes.



Choices are to stay with Gunpati from Week 1 if it is resonating with you or to begin Kirtan Kriya:

  1. GunpatiKriya(1)
  2. KirtanKriya copy 2


Music to download  for Kirtan Kriya

  1. Sa Ta Na Ma….Snatum Kaur

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.