Day 12….

Well today we did 5 kriyas that were really really hard.  Imagine going to 5 Kundalini classes not for beginners.  Needless to say I’m tired.

At one point, Guru Dharan forgot to tell us to let out our breath.  We all nearly passed out.

I’ve been singing AC/DC’s Back in Black all day in my head….


Day 13

This was the most awesome day that ever was.  We did Sat Kriya for 62 minutes and I did it!!!!  That’s when you sit in rock pose (sitting on your heels), bring your arms up, interlace the fingers and the pointer finger (Jupiter fingers) are pointing up.  You breath in Sat and out Nam pulling the belly in and up pretty intensely.  It was insane and so beautiful to do with 130 other humans.

I wanted to quit, but I knew that taking my arms down would hurt just as much as keeping them up.  I wanted to quit, but all the voices of the people around me carried me through.  The Nam gets really soft and it sounds like a heart beat carrying the whole group.  I wish you were there with me.

I’m learning so much and can’t wait to share.  Guru Dharan said today that the mind is in the blood and the heartbeat stamps your consciousness.  We talked about food and purify the body.  We are eating only Ayurvedic and organic food.  It isn’t truly Indian style.  If you’ve worked with me you would recognize a lot of the dishes especially the dahl.  Now that we have hit the midway point, they are starting to feed up much lighter and lighter as we deepen our detoxification process.  This whole program is so cool.

Spiritually…wowsie.  Yesterday, I really and finally understood Sat Nam.  Sat Nam means “I am God.”  I am who I am looking for.  I am God.  You are God.  All this is God.  That’s all there is.  This.  Today in meditation I was struck by how precious it is to be human and by how it is a great responsibility to be human.  It made me feel very humble.

Deeply missing all of you.  Sat Nam sweet souls, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.