If you have tested as a Vata or are suffering from a Vata imbalance in your body or mind, follow the plan below for eating and you will be surprised how quickly you begin to feel like yourself again. Symptoms of a Vata imbalance include insomnia, anxiety, worry, fear, racing thoughts, nervous system situations, forgetfulness, tardiness, loneliness, headaches, backaches, and generalized aches and pains. Additional situations having more to do with the body than the mind include dizziness, faintness, gas & bloating, sensitivities to the environment, sleepwalking & sleep-talking, psoriasis, eczema, corns, calluses, cracked feet, chapped lips, dandruff, split ends, nail biting, burn out, mental disorders, and nervous system diseases
*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.